kadang2.. ble bukak album gmbr2 lama..
teringat balik cerita2 lama.. suka-duka-perit-pedih-sedih-sesal.... i think.. most of people.. all around da world.. wish to go back to their past.. correct what's wrong.. to undo what shouldn't be done.. to revert to what it suppose to be.. to repeat n feel the happiness in the.. or those who wish to froze the time.. to make their happiness and joy eternal.. "how i wish to go back.. if i could.. ""naritainaaa.. kakugo wa modore.. sosureba.. "
"arrghh.. kan bagus kalau boleh balik ke masa lepas.."
tp masa kan sehala.. there's no way people can go back to their past.. breaking the time and space.. it's impossible for us as a normal human being..
..time travel.. back to the future.. time portal..
.. there's no way we could go back to our past.. that's why there's a saying..
"let bygones be bygones..."
"kakugo wa kaku.. daijinamono-wa-ima-des.. mirai wa susume.. "
maka.. jom sama menghargai masa2 yang dilalui.. agar sentiasa dipenuhi keberkatan dan keredhaan Yang MAHA ESA..
"dengan nama Allah yang MAHA Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.. demi masa.. sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian.. Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal salih, dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran serta berpesan-pesan dengan sabar.."